One Good Man
aka Thank you Kindly, Mr. Capra

[Fraser’s apartment building]

[Fraser runs a white-gloved finger over the door jam, then a man’s cap brim; he checks on the man fixing the bathroom sink, which promptly breaks, shooting water everywhere; he touches the inside of a grate, getting black gunk on his forefinger; he extends his (clean) pinky instead and holds it up]
Fraser: I’d like to congratulate all of you. You’ve done a wonderful job.
Mr. Mustafi: I told you. A little dusting, a little painting, the whole building good as new!
Fraser: Right you are.
Ray: It’s dirty.
Fraser: Yes, I know, Ray, but I’m trying to encourage them.
Mr. Klein: Tasteful, huh?
Fraser: Yes, it is, Mr. Klein. I’m sure that Mr. Taylor will appreciate it.
Ray: Appreciate what, rat-infested wall covering?
Fraser: Ray!
Ray: Look, the basement is flooded, the roof is leaking, and the floorboards are rotted out. Who’s the rocket scientist who convinced them to redecorate? [Fraser stops to look at him]
  Of course.
Fraser: Well, I convinced them, Ray, that we’d show the new landlord that he made a very wise investment, not just in the building but in the tenants themselves.
Ray: And did you check him out?
Fraser: Well, of course, Ray. I met him at the laundromat, which he owns, along with a string of 27 other cleaning establishments. I complimented him on his 25-cent all-you-can-dry policy. We fell to talking. He seems very sincere. He’s meeting with Mr. Potter this afternoon to conclude the sale agreement. Cash, isn’t it, Dennis?
Dennis: The full asking price.
Ray: Yeah, Potter must be thrilled. The old weasel hasn’t spent more than $1.98 on this place since you moved in.
Dennis: Hey, I object to my employer being characterized in such a fashion.
Ray: Being a fellow rodent, I expected you would.

Ray: This whole neighborhood’s a slum. Cleaning up one building is like dropping a good apple in a barrel full of bad ones. You can’t win.
Fraser: You know, Ray, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Ray: Your grandmother teach you that?
Fraser: Yes.
Ray: If you think Taylor’s going to be an improvement, you got another think coming.
  [Taylor drives up]  Wow!
Fraser: Mr. Taylor. [drops a coin into the parking meter]
  It’s good to see you.
Taylor: Ben, how are you?
Fraser: I’m very well, thank you. If you’d care to join us inside? This is my friend, Detective Raymond Vecchio.
Ray: ‘66 T-bird? ‘72 Riviera.
Taylor: A Riv. Mint?
Ray: Uh, was. I’ve gone through a couple of them recently.
Fraser: They were blown up.
Ray: You don’t happen to know where I might--
Taylor: I’ll keep an eye out for you.
Fraser: Well, shall we?
  [to Vecchio]  Nice guy.

Man in elevator: Going up?
Taylor: I thought this was junk.
Man: Hey! You watch how you talk about somebody’s home.
Fraser: I took the liberty of having it repaired.
Taylor: Well done.
Man: [blocking Fraser’s entrance]
  Sorry. Maximum of three allowed....Third floor.

[Taylor steps out, greeted by a bevy of residents]
Taylor: Congratulate me, Constable. I’ve just made an excellent investment.
[cheers and applause]

[Fraser & Vecchio step into the vacated elevator]
Dennis: Allow me to add my congratulations.
Fraser: Thank you, Dennis.
Dennis: And this.
Fraser: Thank you kindly. [reads the paper]
  There must be some mistake.
Dennis: Nope. Taylor hired me to stay on as super, and I never make mistakes.

[elevator goes up]
Ray: So he’s going to raise the rent.
Fraser: Yes. One thousand dollars per month per unit.
Ray: What?
Fraser: He can’t do that, can he?
Ray: No, not if you have a lease.
Fraser: Ah.
Ray: You do have a lease, don’t you?
  [they arrive upstairs, and residents are looking quite angry]  I’m going to take that as a ‘no.’

[garage; a green Riv is on the lift; Fraser inspects it]
Fraser: I told them not to pay the increase, Ray. It’s unfair, and if it’s not illegal, it’s at the very least unethical.
Ray: Good. So when do you move?
Fraser: Oh, we’re not moving. We’re going to exercise our rights.
Ray: Yeah, well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to exercise mine. Bubbles, Al. If you let the paint dry too fast you get bubbles. So what we have here is either the work of someone who lacks a keen appreciation for a good finish, or someone who has a bad eye for bubbles.
Al: Fine. Two bubbles? I’ll knock off a quarter.
Ray: Hey, you got to do better than that.
Fraser: They can’t afford an increase, Ray.
Ray: So move.
Fraser: No, we’re not moving.
Ray: Look, both you and I know you got to turn this baby over, Al.
Al: Ray, you’re beating me up here. I’m bleeding all over the floor.
Fraser: I got them into this, Ray.
Ray: No, what you did was you helped them clean up that hellhole. If they want any more help than that, you tell them to call ‘60 Minutes.’
Fraser: Every person has the right to a roof over their head.
Ray: Yeah, as long as they can pay the rent.
  What is that? Is that rust, Al? Do I see rust there?
Al: That’s primer.
Ray: Yeah, and if I was wearing a dress, I’d be a woman.
Fraser: Ohh, dear.
Ray: Ohh, dear. What do we have here? Oh, yeah, will you look at that, huh? Huh? What do you say now, Al?
Al: Okay, I’ll drop off 500, but that’s it.
Fraser: Now that would make the final price, umm... Oh, well, how much can a frame be worth anyway?
Ray: Frame?
Fraser: Yeah. It’s spot-welded. It’s quite excellent work. Except for the slight contour on the brazing here, you really wouldn’t know that this car had been severed in half. I’m sure there’s still a lot of it salvageable.
Ray: So, Al. What do you have to say for yourself before I bring you downtown?
Al: Ray, he’s your cousin.
Ray: He’s twice removed.
Angie: Still driving that same old hunk of junk, huh?
Ray: Ange.
Angie: Don’t let me interrupt. Just a woman with a dead Mustang. Hey, Al. Try to remember to put the oil cap back on, okay?
Al: Sure, Ange.

[she kisses Vecchio on the cheek]
Angie: See ya.

Fraser: Perhaps you’re not ready to replace your old car.

[they get into a blue loaner]
Ray: [sighs]
  She’s a friend.
Fraser: I see.
Ray: And it’s none of your business.
Fraser: Understood.

[City Hall]
Ray: City Hall, are you crazy?
Fraser: They have a responsibility to protect the rights of all urban dwellers.
Ray: Fraser, how many of those mutants who live in your building do you think actually vote?
Fraser: Ray, City Hall has a responsibility to govern and protect all of its citizens whether they vote or not. It is called a social contract.
Ray: Yeah, well, maybe in Canada there’s an igloo for every Eskimo and a seal in every pot, but here in America, if it doesn’t get votes, it’s dog meat.

Fraser: Excuse me.
Clerk: [reading a paper]
  Make it good.
Ray: We have a complaint.
Fraser: No, we don’t.
Clerk: Which is it?
Fraser: We have an injustice.
Clerk: Injustice is down the hall. [points]
Fraser: Ah.
Ray: Look, Benny, if you want some help you’re going to have to register a dispute.
Fraser: You sure?
Ray: Yes, that’s what they do here. They handle disputes.
Fraser: I won’t be making a fuss?
Ray: Well, of course you will. That’s the whole point.
Fraser: Ahh. I don’t have to raise my voice, do I?
Ray: Look, there’s no polite way to dispute. You just jump right in there.
Fraser: I see.
Ray: Okay.
Fraser: Okay.
Ray: Let’s go.
Fraser: [clears throat]
  I demand...Well, no, I don’t. I-I respectfully request, um....Well, no, actually, just speaking strictly for myself, I- Ray?
Ray: We have a slumlord who’s trying to illegally evict a whole building full of poor people.
Fraser: Thank you.
Clerk: If that’s the best you can do. Fill this out. Take it upstairs to Room 232. You’ll need a buck for processing.
Fraser: Thank you kindly.

[office1: Vecchio hands Clerk2 a dollar, she hands it to Fraser as she takes the paper & hands it to Vecchio]

[office2: Vecchio holds out dollar, Fraser holds out paper; Clerk3 takes them, then hands dollar to Fraser & paper to Vecchio]

[office3: they hold out the paper & dollar, Clerk4 takes them, hands them back, and points back they way they came... Vecchio smiles at her]

[elevator: businessman gets on]

Fraser : Ah.

[puts out the dollar, which gets pinched by the closing doors]

[cubicle: Fraser holds out dollar to Clerk1, who pointedly goes back to reading her paper]

[Fraser’s apartment; tenant’s meeting]
Fraser: Well, it’s-it’s not as bleak as it seems.
Mr. Klein: Did you get our rent lowered?
Fraser: No.
Mrs. Garcia: A new landlord?
Fraser: No, I’m afraid not.
Mr. Mustafi: Anything?
Fraser: Well, not exactly, but I do think it’s time for us to retain legal counsel.
Voices: We can’t afford a lawyer... It’s too expensive...

Mr. Klein : You got us into this.

Elevator Man : He’s got a point.
Fraser: I realize that, but I firmly believe-- [accepts note from Dennis]
  Thank you.
Dennis: I’d read it first. [runs out]
Mr. Mustafi: What? More rent?
Fraser: No. [reading]
  We are hereby notified that payment is past due, and with service of this notice, our occupancy of these premises has been terminated.
Elevator Man: What does it mean?
Fraser: It means we’ve been evicted.

[Riv; outside “Chicago Guardian” building]
Ray: She’s not gonna help you. This is small potatoes and she’s a big journalist.
Fraser: Well, she was very helpful the last time, as I recall.
Ray: Well, last time she thought you were a fraud. Fraud sells newspapers. Do-gooders do not.
Fraser: You know, Ray, I think you’re underestimating her. Everyone loves an underdog.
Ray: Yeah, everybody’s not Mackenzie King. I’ll wait.
Fraser: There’s no need.
Ray: You’ll be back in 30 seconds.
Fraser: I’ll be fine.
Ray: All right. [Fraser exits with Dief]
Man in backseat: Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a test drive.
Ray: Just keep your shirt on, pal.

[Mackenzie King’s office]
King: Bagels, Warren. Not muffins, not cheese danish. Just a plain honest-to-God water bagel.
Warren: You know, Mackenzie, there are reporters in Korea who would thank their boss for bringing them a rice-coated water beetle--
King: Warren, sweetie, I would eat a beetle for you any day...on a bagel.
Fraser: <ahem>
King: Well, now, here is a man who knows how to save a damsel in distress. You know what a bagel looks like, don’t you, Fraser?
Fraser: Uh, yes, I am acquainted with them. [Dief sniffs around pastry box]
  Diefenbaker! I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Knoop, he’s, um, rude.
Warren: Are you kidding? I was just about to offer him a job.
Fraser: Miss King. Would you accompany me to lunch?
King: [to Warren]
  Forget the bagel.
Warren: Excuse me? Excuse me? Do I pay you to take Mounties out to lunch? I don’t think so. I think I pay you to sit at that desk, work the phones, and come up with stories that’ll sell papers. Am I making myself clear?
King: [to Fraser]
  Excuse me a minute, please?
Fraser: Yes.
King: Thanks.
[she enters & slams the door...raised voices...things thrown...she opens the door smiling]
King: I’m ready now.
Fraser: Ah. All right.
King: Thanks.

[demonstration outside office building]
Voices: No, no, no! We won’t go! No, no, no! Taylor’s got to go!
King: This is what I’m going to win a Pulitzer Prize for? Laurel, Hardy, and the cast of ‘Mother Courage’?
Fraser: They’re a small group, but they’re very dedicated.
King: They’re pathetic, Fraser.
Fraser: Yes, but in a good way. Another bagel?
King: Oy!
Fraser: Where are the others?
Woman: I caught Mr. Cooper sneaking off with his bags packed. Some of the others, too. I had to drag the rest of them here.
Fraser: Thank you. [a limo arrives, surrounded by men in trenchcoats]
  Mr. Taylor, I’ve been trying to reach you.
Taylor: Constable, good to see you. Is this really necessary?
Fraser: Well, yes. You see, apparently there has been a misunderstanding, wherein you raised their rent beyond the capacity of the tenants to pay it. And apparently the superintendent is trying to have them evicted.
Taylor: The building isn’t rent-controlled, is it?
Fraser: Well, no.
Taylor: And they were given the full five days allowable by law to meet the rent increase?
Fraser: Yes.
Taylor: Is it illegal for a businessman to make a profit on an investment?
Fraser: You’re taking away these people’s homes.
Taylor: You told me you wanted to improve your neighborhood. Last week I purchased four tenements on your block. Two of them were condemned. The other two should have been. I’m going to replace them with condominiums. And when I’m through, your neighborhood is going to be one of the finest in downtown Chicago.
Fraser: You intend to demolish the entire block.
Taylor: Six blocks.
Fraser: What about the tenants?
Taylor: Anybody who can afford the new buildings is welcome.
Fraser: But they can’t.
Taylor: I know. Fraser, who do you think is putting the garbage in your halls to begin with?
  [King snaps a picture]  Miss King, how are things at the Guardian? I haven’t read my stockholder’s report lately.
King: [chuckles]
  Don’t tell me. You’re the guy who voted out the free bagel delivery, right?
Taylor: It’s a pleasure.
King: I’m sure. [Taylor exits]
  John Taylor? I should call Warren now. He’s going to fire me.
Fraser: You think our chances are slim?
King: Do you see this building? Donald Trump couldn’t afford it. You are one man in a red suit.
Fraser: Yes. I see what you mean. [joins the demonstration]
King: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. You watch a lot of movies growing up in Oopik or wherever you come from?
Fraser: Some.
King: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ right?
Fraser: Yes, actually. Thirty-two times.
King: Huh?
Fraser: It was the reverend’s favorite film. Well, that and ‘The Passion of Joan of Arc.’
King: No, you see, that’s why movies are dangerous, Fraser. They take young minds and twist them into believing things like-like courage, and hope, and one man can make a difference. This may come as a shock to you and the reverend, but real life is not a Frank Capra movie! Real life is money, and bank accounts, and politicians. People who pretend it’s not, end up out here in the streets with people like them! Are you listening?
Fraser: Not really, no.
King: Aish! You’re a bad influence on me, Bento.
  [to demonstrators]  No smiling. What’s the matter, doesn’t anybody limp?

[Taylor’s office]
Taylor: Dennis, do you know the story of the three bears?
Dennis: The three bears?
Taylor: They went out picketing and left their homes unattended. Someone came along and shut off their heat. Cut off their electricity. Backed up their plumbing. Changed all the locks.
Dennis: Goldilocks?
Taylor: It’s an analogy.
Dennis: Ah. It’s cold out.
Taylor: Who would you rather be, Goldilocks or one of the bears?

[Fraser’s apartment building]

[Fraser presses button for elevator, then sees the Out Of Order sign]
Fraser: [to Dief]
  Well, come on. Don’t lollygag. [they walk up]
Man on stairs: Good evening, Mr. Fraser.


[Fraser’s apartment; he prepares dinner (pancakes)... Dennis shuts off the gas... Unable to cook, Fraser dumps the batter into Dief’s bowl]


[bathroom; Fraser is lathered up & begins to shave... Dennis shuts off the water]


[apartment; Fraser is in bed, reading... Dennis shuts off the electricity, then puts a padlock on the box]

Fraser : ‘These are the times that try men’s souls.’ Thomas Paine. He wrote books. The Rights of Man, among others. Good night.  [Dief noses under the covers]  Stop stealing the blanket. [Dief whines]  You’re an Arctic wolf, for God’s sake. [Dief grumbles]  You’re getting soft. I hope you realize that.
[disturbance in the hallway; Fraser rushes out, to find thugs are breaking things and tormenting his neighbor, while other residents watch]
Jack: You better clear out.

Mr. Klein : Hey, that’s mine! Look, I don’t care who you guys are, you can’t come in here and break my stuff.

[Fraser grabs thug’s arm & forces him to drop the stained glass lamp (which Mr. Klein catches)]
Fraser: Thank you kindly. Now perhaps you and your friend could vacate this apartment building.
Jack: Sorry, no can do.
Fraser: Do you live here?
Rushton: We do now. This apartment. I guess somebody forgot to pay his rent!
[*click* as Jack brandishes a switchblade]
[Dief snarls]
Fraser: Diefenbaker.
Rushton: Jack, put that away. You’re going to scare our new neighbors.
Thug 3: Hey, is this yours? [drops the vase: *crash*]
  Guess you forgot it.
Rushton: We’ll be seeing you, neighbor.
[thugs enter the apartments; Dennis slinks away; all the residents can do is watch]


[loaner car]
Ray: Rushton, Hererra, and Goldman. None of ‘em have ties to Taylor. None of ‘em on parole. No outstanding warrants.
Fraser: What about Mr. Klein’s furniture?
Ray: He refused to move it. They had the permission of the landlord. I mean, it’s cruel but it’s not illegal.
Fraser: So there’s nothing the police can do?
Ray: Well, I can bring ‘em in for questioning, give Taylor a warning. But sooner or later, if he wants you out, he’s going to throw you out.

[Vecchio wipes off the window condensation to see out; Angie leaves Al’s garage & gets into her Mustang]
Fraser: A friend?
Ray: Yeah. [pause]
  She’s also my ex-wife.
Fraser: Oh.

Ray: What?
Fraser: Nothing.

[they drive off]
Ray: Why are you in this car with me?
Fraser: Because you said you’d drive me.
Ray: Oh, no, I didn’t.
Fraser: Oh, yes, you did.
Ray: Well, I’ve changed my mind.
Fraser: Ah, well.

[Fraser opens the passenger door]
Ray: What are you do-- [Vecchio slams on the brakes]
  Just shut the door, will ya?! Okay, shut the door!

[Fraser’s apartment building; there is a ruckus upstairs, Dief comes down & barks at Fraser, and Mackenzie King tumbles downstairs into Fraser’s arms]
Fraser: Hi.

King : You want to get in on the action here? We got a deadline.


[upstairs; Rushton is padlocking Mr. Mustafi’s door]
Mr. Mustafi: No! No lockouts here. See? Right here in the pamphlet. No lockouts permitted by law.
Rushton: This ain’t no lockout. You people got rats in these apartments. You gotta wait for the exterminators.
Mrs. Krezjapolov: You put these rats in here! I saw you!
Dennis: [stops Fraser]
  No, no, no. This is all legal. Mr. Taylor says everything happening here is legal.
Fraser: Mr. Taylor lies.
Mr. Mustafi: They come into our apartments and said we broke the plumbing and wrecked everything. It’s not true. Most of the things, they were wrecked when we came in.
Mrs. Garcia: He broke my window and he said I did it.
Voices: Yeah... Yes... Yes...
Dennis: What are you doing? [Fraser breaks fire glass & removes the axe]
  Hey, don’t, don’t do that!
King: All right, all right, now we’re talking. [snaps pictures as Fraser goes to break the lock]

Man : Fraser, look out!!

[Jack hits Fraser, others start to fight as Mom ushers kids away]
King: Aim for his head next time, I could use the blood. [continues taking pictures]

[Fraser is thrown through his own door, and he & Rushton fight throughout apartment while Mackenzie King snaps away... suddenly Mom screams – she and her kids are trapped in the elevator]
Mother: It’s going to fall!

Voices : The cable’s been cut! They jammed the door!
Fraser: Call the fire department!
Mother: Open it! Open it, open it!

[the child screams; thugs rush over with everybody else, and are stunned]

Man : [to thugs]  You did this. You did this! [the crowd turns on the men]

[a bolt gives way, and the elevator slips... Fraser muscles the door open...]

Mother [to child]   Go with him, go with him!

[Fraser gets her, as her backpack drops down the shaft]
King: [taking the child]
  You’re okay.

[Fraser gets the door the rest of the way open & gets into the elevator...King gets out her camera...the elevator slips below the floor]
Fraser: It’s all right, it’s all right.

Voices : It’s okay!  Gimme your hand! Don’t worry! Come on out! Take it easy! We got you! [the crowd pulls the mother out]  Fraser!!
[the cable snaps completely & the elevator plunges down... Fraser leaps out onto the floor below...the elevator lands at the bottom with a crash... Dennis peeks down the shaft, then rushes off; the mother hugs her child, crying]

King : [elbowing]   Excuse me, excuse me, folks. [peering down the shaft with her camera]  Fraser!

[he pokes his head out from the floor below]

[outside; thugs are being taken away in patrol cars]
Ray: I spoke with Taylor. He claims he never heard of Rushton or the other two. Said the super must have put them up to it.
Fraser: No. Dennis is stupid, he’s not that stupid.
King: Well, Taylor isn’t, either. We’re not going to have any convenient check stubs to tie him to this.
Fraser: Mr. Mustafi!
  Look, it’s all right. They’re not going to be back.
Mr. Mustafi: Tonight maybe. What about tomorrow? Am I supposed to sit in my apartment and wait for somebody to try to kill me? [puts all his belongings into a taxi]
Fraser: If you leave now, you will lose your home. The best thing we can do is stand here and fight.
Mr. Mustafi: You fight. I’m not like you.
Elevator Man: Some things you can fix. Some things maybe you shouldn’t try.

[Potter’s home]
Fraser: I appreciate you seeing me, Mr. Potter.
Potter: You want something.
Fraser: Yes, sir, I do. My neighbors, your former tenants, they’re being evicted from their homes. It would appear that Mr. Taylor has been less than honest about his intentions.
Potter: How disappointing. [he’s playing a Gameboy]
Fraser: Uh, yes, it is. He intends to demolish the building. The entire block, in fact.
Potter: And this gives you pause, huh? You’re beginning to wonder if you did the right thing.
Fraser: No, sir.
Potter: Nonsense! You saw glory. Little people rising up, throwing off the yoke of tyranny, hmm? But people don’t like to succeed, Fraser. It’s a lot of responsibility. [wheels out from behind the desk, then sorts out pills while he talks]
  Think of it. You tell a man he’s going to die, he can accept that. You’ve given him a certainty. And you ask that same man to take a gamble, to risk everything he has, even if the prize is the Fountain of Youth itself, he’d sooner roll over in the ditch than take that chance.
Fraser: Not every man.
Potter: No, no, no. Some are just plain dense, like you.
Fraser: Sir, I would like you to buy the building back from Mr. Taylor.
Potter: You would.
Fraser: Yes, I would, sir.
Potter: And waste money on lawyer’s fees? Don’t be stupid. I made a handsome profit on that sale. As for the building, it’s a dump, not worth the land it’s standing on. If I hadn’t found me a buyer, I’d have razed it myself, just to save the taxes. Ha ha. You can leave now. Throw another log on before you go. It’s cold in here.
Fraser: Yes, I would imagine it is.
Potter: Get out!

[side of a building]
Fraser: Ray, do you think I expect too much from people?
Ray: Well, take our climbing up the side of this building, for example.
Fraser: Okay.
Ray: Is the building on fire?
Fraser: Uh, no.
Ray: Is there a helpless person trapped up on the roof?
Fraser: No.
Ray: Is there a hostage to rescue?
Fraser: Not that I’m aware of, no.
Ray: Then we’re climbing this building because?
Fraser: Oh, I see. Because I expect too much from people.
Ray: Exactly.
Fraser: Well, that and the fact that the doors to the council chambers were closed until after question period. This seemed the only way that we could gain access.

[Vecchio slips]
Ray: Fraser! Fraser!
Fraser: Oh, sorry. Here. [gives him a hand]
  You all right?
Ray: Yeah, no problem.

[Council Chambers]
Alderman Farrell: [voice]
  That concludes the scheduled agenda for this meeting. We’ll now proceed to open the floor for question period. Will anyone who wishes to address the Council please form a line to the left of the podium and wait to be recognized by the Chair?

[King rises & motions them over to her seat]
Ray: How did you get in?
King: I opened the back door.
Fraser: Ah.
Council Clerk: [background]
  Will the first speaker please state your name?
King: Listen, I spoke to the chairwoman. She said no go. It turns out Taylor has legal building permits, legal demolition permits, and I suspect he’s greased some pretty significant palms.

Ray : Mmm.

King : Sorry.

Speaker : [background] ...We are under attack by an enemy so insidious that if we don’t act immediately, we risk everything. All the work that we do as a community, all the time we...
[Taylor & flunkies arrive]
Fraser: Excuse me.
Ray: Oh, no. [takes off his coat & follows Fraser, who is following Taylor]
Speaker: ...put in to make it safe, is now in grave danger. It’s a threat, I tell you. A threat to every man, woman, and child living in the greater Chicago area. [Fraser stands to the right of the speaker]
  Certainly there are those who will scoff, those who will, uh, jeer. [Vecchio stands to the speaker’s left]  But they are urban dwellers. They have yet to experience the scourge of the suburbs. The green death. The blight we call crabgrass.
Ray: Time’s up, buddy.
Speaker: Excuse me. According to parliamentary law, I have the floor.
Ray: You have the floor?
Speaker: Yes. I have the floor.
Fraser: He’s right, Ray, he does have the floor.
Ray: Huh. [kicks the speaker, who collapses]
  Now he has the floor.
Fraser: You kicked him.
Ray: No, I didn’t.
Fraser: The man is unconscious.
Ray: He’s resting.

[gavel bangs]
Alderman Farrell: The Chair recognizes?
Ray: Benton Fraser, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Fraser: No, I’m not. I mean, not now. At least, not-not-not officially. I mean, ordinarily, yes, I am-I am, a Mounted Policeman, but I’m not here in any official capacity.
Farrell: May I ask why you are here?
Fraser: Oh, yes, Mr. Ch-... Madam Chair-... Sir. Um
  [clears throat]  Earlier this evening, a man told me that people would prefer their own death rather than risk everything for an ideal, and this is something I find extremely difficult to reconcile.
Farrell: And you came here because?
Fraser: I didn’t know where else to go. You are the people’s elected representatives, and if we can’t trust your judgment, who can we trust?
Farrell: What exactly is your quandary, sir?
Fraser: My neighbors are being evicted from their homes. A certain businessman, Mr. John Taylor--
Farrell: Mr. Taylor’s development plans are a matter of record, Constable, and if you need further explanation, I suggest that you speak to the City Clerk’s office.
Fraser: I’m well aware of Mr. Taylor’s plans, sir.
  No, my question actually is for you. Why did you approve them?

Farrell: Do you represent anyone besides yourself, Constable?
Fraser: Sir?
Farrell: These other tenants, your neighbors. Where are they tonight?
Fraser: They are not here tonight. There were unable to attend.
Farrell: So, you’re only here to speak for yourself. And these 50 tenants, for all we know, they may not even exist.
Fraser: No, I assure you, sir, that really is not the situation.
Council Clerk: Time.
Fraser: Excuse me?
Council Clerk: Time. Time’s up. Step down.
Fraser: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
Farrell: Each speaker has one minute, Constable, and I’m afraid if you wish to say any more, you’ll have to come back tomorrow night. May we have the next speaker, please?
Speaker: Point of order, Madam Chairman.
Farrell: We’ll get to you, sir.
Fraser: But my question--
Farrell: I’m afraid those are the rules.
Council Clerk: Step down, please.
Fraser: But- but I-I.
Council Clerk: Step down, please.
Fraser: No, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Speaker: This is my minute. You are using my minute!
Ray: No, no, no, you see, your minute was incredibly boring, so it was cancelled.
Farrell: Constable, I’m going to have to insist that you leave the podium.
Fraser: No.
Farrell: Excuse me?
Fraser: With all due respect, sir, I refuse to yield the floor.
Speaker: Point of personal privilege, Madam--

[Vecchio kicks the speaker again, who collapses to the floor]
Ray: That man is exhausted.
Council Clerk: Oh, God. A filibuster! He’s going to filibuster.
Farrell: What?!
Alderman 2: He’s going to talk us to death. We’ll be here all night.
Alderman 3: [aside to #2]
  I don’t have time for that. I’m a city councilman, for God’s sakes. I’ve got a golf game in the morning.
Ray: [aside]
  You know, you’re wasting your time.
Fraser: Possibly.
Ray: The best you’re gonna get is a bad case of laryngitis.
Fraser: Probably.
Ray: Lozenges?
Fraser: Cherry flavored?
Ray: On my way.
Fraser: Thank you kindly.

[Vecchio leaves, giving the wary Speaker a look]
King: I could have packed the place if he’d waited for the morning edition.
Ray: What about a TV crew?
King: And lose the exclusive? No.

Ray : All right, see ya later. [exits]
Fraser: ...My grandmother gave me that book for my birthday...
King: [mutters]
  ‘Do unto thy neighbor.’ You would have thought at least some of them would have shown.
Fraser: ...But my grandmother failed to see how rooting about in the dirt with a toy bulldozer was going to broaden my horizons. I was resentful, naturally. So the next day I took the present and I attempted to feed it to a passing walrus. Successfully, I might add...
Alderman 3: Oh, God.
Alderman 2: At least he didn’t start with Geronimo.

[outside City Hall]
Ray: [to crowd]
  Anybody want to make an easy fifty? All right, how about a hundred? A hundred apiece. All you gotta do is to listen to some Canadian quote an American revolutionary.
Man: Which revolutionary?
Ray: Like it makes a difference?
  A hundred dollars. Upstairs.

[Council Chambers]
Fraser: ...For my seventh birthday, I requested a go-cart, but I received a book. On my eighth birthday, I wanted a Johnny Seven, but again I received another book.
Voices: Enough already! Shut up already!
Fraser: On my ninth birthday, I wanted a guppy, but again I received another book. And finally by my eleventh birthday, I realized that my toy box contained virtually no toys at tall. Rather it was lined with some of the most seditious reading material available through mail order...

[outside; Vecchio is counting & handing out bills from a stack of money]
Ray: All right, anybody else? Come on, I got free money here. One hundred bucks to listen to some Canadian quote an American revolutionary. Thank you very much. Upstairs. Council Chambers.

King: [on cell phone]
  No, I haven’t been drinking!! ...Look, you got ten minutes to get a camera crew down here, or I call WPOV and give ‘em one hell of a scoop... You know me, Jack, I wouldn’t do that. My word is my bond... Fine.

[crowd is streaming past her as she makes another call]  

King : Hi, Maury, Maury, Maury, hi. Mackenzie King here. Listen, you got ten minutes to get a camera crew down to City Hall or I call Jack over at WZMR and give him one hell of a scoop... No, I haven’t been drinking!

Man: You always give money to strangers?
Ray: This is better than money. This is a 1972 Buick Riviera, all that’s left of it.
Man: You shoulda kept the money.

[Council Chambers]
Fraser: ...That summer-- [coughs]
  That summer my grandmother took me swimming. The water had risen to just above freezing, and I clung to her as we waded deeper into the river. [the seats are filling up]  I’d never before noticed the burn marks she had on her upper arms and on her shoulders. When I asked her how she’d come by them, she said simply that she had been burned. Later, my father told me the full story. My grandmother was 19 and she was teaching in a small Inuit village when a fire swept through and it surrounded them. [Dennis arrives, watching]  Their only means of escape was through a river that had been torn by rapids. Most of the adults died because they were too afraid to brave the water. But my grandmother was supported by an idea, and with this idea she led the children deeper into the river. [most attention is riveted on Fraser now, and more people arrive]  They clung to her as she held onto the roots of a tree, as it burned above them. The heat was so intense that -- [coughs] --it melted most of her hair and left second degree burns on her upper body. If she had let go, they all would have been swept away. But she didn’t let go. And they survived. My grandmother maintained that it was not the river that saved them. Rather, it was an idea. ‘The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only that gives everything its value.’ Thomas Paine. <ahem> [coughs]   Um. <ahem>

[Taylor signals Farrell to cut him off]
Voices: Keep going, man! Keep it up! Go on! We’re with you, Big Red!

[Farrell pours a glass of water, and it’s passed slowly around]
Fraser: [hoarsely]
  Subsequently, I made a concerted effort to work my way through my grandmother’s library, although I have to confess that...<ahem> <ahem> [cough]
Voices: Come on, Big Red! Hang in there! You can do it, big guy! Let’s go, Big Red!

[the water is handed to Fraser]
Farrell: You’ve got our attention, Constable. Proceed. Well, come on! It’s either you or old Crabgrass.
[cheers and applause]
Taylor: [to Vecchio]
  You’re not fooling anyone. Not one of these people live in my building.
Ray: How would you know? Did you take the time to shake their hands or learn their names?
Taylor: I have their names. There are files.
Ray: Well, congratulations. I have camera crews, and in these halls, perception is nine-tenths of the law.
Taylor: I’ll win this in court and you know it. [Dennis arrives]
  Oh good, you’re here. Give the chairman the list of the tenants’ names.
Dennis: I couldn’t find it.
Taylor: What?
Dennis: I looked through my file. All I could find was this.

[hands a paper to Vecchio]
Ray: It’s a lease.
Dennis: Potter gave it to me when he made me super. Ten years. No increase. It’s got four years left to run.
Ray: Well, at least you’ll have a roof over your head, Dennis.
Dennis: You know, Detective Vecchio, you could be just a little nicer. If I still got a roof over my head, then so does he, and so does everyone who lives there.
Fraser: ...And I believe it was Geronimo who said, ‘It is my land, my home, my father’s land to which I now ask to be allowed to return...’
Dennis: No one can tear down that building unless I say so.
Ray: You’re a good man, Dennis. Madam Chairperson, point of order. New evidence has come to light in this case regarding the tenants.
Taylor: Dennis. You realize you’re fired.
Dennis: Hmm. Stuff it in your ear. Goldilocks.
Farrell: The City Council hereby suspends Mr. Taylor’s development plans until further notice. [applause]
  The eviction orders are revoked.
Fraser: ‘...brought death into the world, and all our woe, with loss of Eden, till one greater Man restore us, and regain--'
King: Hey. [grabbing Fraser’s face]
  You can stop now.
Fraser: Oh. Thank you.
King: I can’t believe I let you do this to me again.
Fraser: I was, um, surprised myself.
King: Never again, understand?
Fraser: Understood.
King: Good. Okay.
Fraser: Okay.
King: Okay. Goodbye.
Fraser: Oh. Yes. Goodbye. [shakes her hand]
King: Goodbye. Th-thanks.
Fraser: Thank you kindly.
King: You owe me.
Fraser: How much?
King: How much?
Fraser: How much do I owe you?
King: Oh, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye... [exits]
Fraser: The woman is completely irrational.

[Fraser’s apartment; Fraser is attempting to clean the mess]
[Dief whines]
Fraser: Well, yes, I’m sorry, but we can always get you another one.
[Dief grumbles]
Fraser: Yes, I realize it was your favorite. Some things are worth the sacrifice.

[knock knock knock]

[Dief whines]

Fraser : Ingrate.

[goes to the gap that used to be his door]
Mr. Mustafi: We, uh, heard your place was a mess. You really should set a better example, you know.
Fraser: Understood.

[residents stream in]
Mr. Mustafi: Come on... Painting. Dusting. Enough garbage bags?

[Al’s garage; Vecchio sits in Riv, then turns on radio. Music: ‘Lock, Stock, and Teardrops’ by Andi Duncan.  And Vecchio remembers...]

Ray : So what do you think?
Angie: This is what you spent our savings on?
Ray: Yeah.
Angie: Five thousand dollars.
Ray: Yeah.
Angie: Uh-huh.

Ray: Well, I bought it for you.
Angie: Ray, it’s a 1972 Buick Riviera. It’s the car of your dreams. You bought it for me?
Ray: Yeah. I mean, can’t we both have the same dreams?
Angie: Okay, so when do I get to drive it?
Ray: When do you get to drive it?
Angie: Yeah.
Ray: Uh...
Angie: When?
Ray: All right, all right. Now.
Angie: Okay. [slides over towards driver’s seat]
Ray: Well, not now now.
Angie: Oh. Not now now. Maybe later now. Maybe like never now? Like maybe not-in-your-lifetime now?
Ray: Oh, come on, let’s not go there. Come on, give me a kiss.
Angie: Why?
Ray: ‘Cause you like the car.
Angie: I don’t.
Ray: You will.
Angie: In your dreams.

[they kiss]

Al : Ray.
Ray: Yes, Al?
Al: Well?
Ray: I’ll give you a thousand bucks.
Al: Ray!
Ray: Oh, come on, Al, it’s all I got left. Come on.
Al: Deal.

[Vecchio throws Al the keys]
Ray: And get it washed.



Main Index

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4
